02380 179244 / 020 38 761493
Looking for Ghost Immobiliser installation in Salisbury? The aftermarket Ghost CAN bus immobilisers offers protection for your vehicle like nothing else available on the market. Protecting your vehicle from hacking, key-cloning and key theft.
The Ghost CAN bus immobiliser utilises your vehicles existing buttons in the cabin to immobilise your vehicle, so a sequence of button pushes on the dashboard and steering wheel will be required before the vehicle is able to be started.
Add the Ghost smart phone application for security that is hassle free, allowing you to enter your vehicle and drive without the need for entering the pin, as long as you have your device on you.
Thieves are getting more advanced with diagnostic equipment, the Ghost immobiliser will not show up on any such equipment.
Price includes VAT and fitting
Contact us TODAY for your Ghost immobiliser installation in Salisbury.